Steel Buildings in Europe

Title 3.4 Worked Example – Fin Plate 2 of 13 5 – 39 Summary of full design checks Design forces V Ed = 350 kN F Ed = 350 kN (Tie force) Shear resistances Bolt group resistance Shear resistance of bolts 584 kN Bearing resistance of bolts on the fin plate 605 kN Bearing resistance of bolts on the beam web 624 kN Shear resistance of the fin plate 450 kN Bending resistance of the fin plate ∞ Buckling resistance of the fin plate 743 kN Shear resistance of the beam web Shear and block tearing resistance 545 kN Shear and bending interaction at the 2 nd line of bolts N/A Shear and bending interaction for un-notched beam 66 kNm Bending resistance at the notch N/A Local stability of the notched beam N/A Weld resistance OK Tying resistances Fin plate and bolt group resistance Shear resistance of bolts 1070 kN Bearing resistance of bolts on the fin plate 1290 kN Tension resistance of the fin plate 880 kN Beam web resistance Bearing resistance of bolts on the beam web 1070 kN Tension resistance of the beam web 792 kN Weld resistance OK