Steel Buildings in Europe

Part 2: Concept Design 2 - 38 Generally, a zone of 400 mm will perm it services to be suspended belo w the structure. An additional 150–200 mm is usually allowed for fire protection, ceiling and lighting units and a nom inal defle ction (25 mm). Ter minal units (Fan coil or VAV units) are located be tween the beam s where there is m ore space available. Service integration is achieved by passi ng services through pe netrations in the supporting steelwork. These m ay be indi vidual openings form ed in steel beams, or multiple regular openings. Cellular bea ms perm it multiple cir cular ducts to be distributed aroun d th e building as shown in Figure 4.12, particularly where passing from the building core. E longated openings m ay be crea ted in cellular beam construction, as illustrated in Figure 4.13. Figure 4.12 Cellular beam with multiple service ducts If there are no overall height constraint s, services can be accommodated below the floor structure. The penalty is an increased construction depth of each floor, and increased cladding area.